K-series intake manifold
PPR redesign Honda rbc-rrc k-series cast manifold.
Big plenum from rbc and rrc
Short Intake runner from the rbc and rrc
1 years of research and development
Cast A356-T6 Aluminum Alloy
Enhanced flow dynamics utilizing CAD Modeling & CFD simulation
High quality casting
Flowbenched tested,total 1500 cfm,flow balanced runners
Dynotested proven stock engine gain 9-13hp for N-A
Can be installed in stock location with clearance for original battery (with adaptor)
Install kits are optional and can be purchased to include heat barrier gaskets, and adaptor plate to run stock throttle bodies (easily upgradeable).
Fits factory fuel rail
4.4L plenum with contoured velocity stacks molded into the floor for huge top end and minimal turbulence
Manifold Price: 690 usd
Extra your choices;
-For cut open inside cnc porting +300 usd
-More enlarged plenum with cnc porting inside +480 usd (for 1000 hp++ turbo setups)
-Port matching for your head with hand +95 usd
-Thermal coating (Black color) + 80 usd

BEFORE:87*86 mm 12.5 Cr piston,dracartel 2.2 camshafts,Cnc ported RBC intake manifold
AFTER:All same only difference is the PPR cast intake manifold. 13 whp GAIN!!!